The GRI Guidelines enable all companies and organizations to report on their economic, environmental, social and governance performance. G4 has been significantly revised and enhanced in order to reflect important current and future trends in the sustainability reporting landscape.
In addition to enhancing the relevance and quality of standalone sustainability reports, G4 will be a powerful framework for generating material sustainability information for inclusion in integrated reports.
GRI Chief Executive Ernst Ligteringen said: “Today, sustainability reporting is rapidly becoming the norm for large companies in many parts of the world. Some 95 per cent of the world’s largest 250 companies now produce a sustainability report, and four out of five of these choose to use the GRI Guidelines.
“As this strong upward trend in reporting continues, we will see many more companies of all sizes and sectors embracing transparency and accountability. Sustainability reporting will become a key enabler for an ever wider range of stakeholders, including investors, governments and market regulators. G4 is designed to be relevant to all these groups and to the many new reporters coming on stream.”