Total Eco Management Guest Speakers:
Next Available DatesThe course runs from 10 am – 1 pm GMT.
Next Available Dates:
What this 3 min video to find out more:
Tomorrows Leaders Launch Event
Members' Forum - Welcome and The UN Sustainable Development Goals Presentation by David Stockdale - Chaired by Kye Gbangbola
TeM WORKING IN CONJUNCTION WITH IEMA - Sustainability Reporting Series: Introduction, Perspectives and UK Policy Update
Are you involved in sustainability reporting in your organisation? Join the first webinar in our summer series to explore an overview of sustainability reporting, perspectives, and trends. We’ll also provide a UK update on company reporting requirements. Register for FREE here
Are you involved in sustainability reporting in your organisation? Join the first webinar in our summer series to explore an overview of sustainability reporting, perspectives, and trends. We’ll also provide a UK update on company reporting requirements. Register for FREE here
25TH OCTOBER 2017 AT 7PM Markson Pianos Concert Series St Mary Magdalene Church, London NW1 3PH Featuring ten concert pianists Guest Speaker: Sir Jonathon Porritt Special Guests: Zane Gbangbola's parents - TruthAboutZane Tickets: £8/£4 On the door Ticket includes wine served after the performance Concert Details |
Kye Gbangbola, author of How to produce a Sustainability Report, will share his top tips for how to
write a coherent, comprehensive and appealing report at the 5th annual edie Sustainability Reporting Conference, taking place on 23 February in London.
To gain more practical insight register for Kye’s interactive workshop at this CPD-certified conference.
The 5th annual edie Sustainability Reporting Conference is a cross-sector event which will be of particular interest to those involved in improving their sustainability report, increasing engagement with key stakeholders and understanding the reporting landscape.
In addition to Kye’s workshop, the programme includes senior directors from:
Nestlé, Unilever, BT, Aviva, Whitbread, Sky, Diageo, The Crown Estate, BP, GRI, UNGC, CDSB, WBCSD, Novo Nordisk, McNicholas Construction, Aurora Organic Dairy and more.
Total Eco Management Guest Speakers:
Climate Change Risk Assessment
The UK Climate Change Risk Assessment (CCRA) is a five yearly assessment of the current and future risks and opportunities to the UK from climate change. The assessment is a legal requirement under the Climate Change Act (2008). The first assessment was published in January 2012 and the second is due in January 2017. For this cycle of the assessment, an independent Evidence Report will be published by the Adaptation Sub-Committee of the Committee on Climate Change in summer 2016, and a Government Report published in January 2017 by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs that will respond to the ASC's advice. This webinar is to explain the process and approach to the ASC's evidence report, what it will cover, and how interested IEMA members can input to the process.
This webinar will be of general interest to all IEMA members and of specific interest to members whose work includes considerations of Climate Change impacts, Resilience or Adaptation. Following presentations and case studies the session will include a short Q+A
Chair: Nick Blyth - Policy and Engagement Lead, Climate Change IEMA
Presenter 1: Kathryn Humphrey - Committee on Climate Change- ‘UK Climate Change Risk Assessment- 2017’.
Presenter 2: Kye Gbangbola- ‘Climate Change and Flooding- The Truth about Zane’.
This webinar will be of general interest to all IEMA members and of specific interest to members whose work includes considerations of Climate Change impacts, Resilience or Adaptation. Following presentations and case studies the session will include a short Q+A
Chair: Nick Blyth - Policy and Engagement Lead, Climate Change IEMA
Presenter 1: Kathryn Humphrey - Committee on Climate Change- ‘UK Climate Change Risk Assessment- 2017’.
Presenter 2: Kye Gbangbola- ‘Climate Change and Flooding- The Truth about Zane’.
Total eco Management Guest Speakers:
Sustainable Business-Oriented CSR Summit 2014
Shanghai, China
Visit the event website |
GRI in association with BITC G4 local launch event UK
Friday January 31, 2014 from 8:30 AM to 12:45 PM CET Add to Calendar Where Deloitte 2 New Street Square London EC4A 3BZ United Kingdom Directions |
This free event in the UK is the National GRI event to present the new G4 Reporting Guidelines, kindly hosted by Deloitte.
Global Reporting Initiative is proud to be working with Business In The Community and other organisations to present the new G4 guidelines in the UK. Ms. Nikki McKean-Wood will introduce G4; its focus on materiality, new design of Disclosures on Management Approach, and new Disclosures. A panel of expert representatives will discuss first impressions of G4, share experiences and look at what the future of corporate sustainability reporting has in store. Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions. There will also be networking time, and refreshments provided. Event Program 08:30 – 09:00 Registration (Welcome coffee) Chair of the day: Solitaire Townsend, Co-Founder at Futerra Sustainability Communications 09:00 – 09:05 Welcome remarks and brief introduction to GRI by Deloitte 09:05 – 09:15 Plenary Speech: BIS and non-financial reporting in the UK: Ilaria Miler, Assistant Director, EU Corporate Governance at Department for Business, Innovation and Skills 09:15 - 09:25 G4 – Why we need a radical reporting approach to sustainability; Malini Mehra – GRI Board member 09:25 – 10:30 GRI G4 content presentation including Q&A from the audience; Nikki McKean-Wood, Senior Manager, Network Relations GRI 10:30 – 10:55 Networking break 10:55 – 11:05 Relevance of the UK market for GRI and relevance of G4 for UK; Teresa Fogelberg, Deputy Chief Executive - GRI 11:05 – 11:55 Panel discussion of reflections and experiences on G4, including Q&A -Nick Hartley, Managing Director, Goldman Sachs -Karen Johnson, Responsible Business Adviser, Department for International Development -Sarah Nolleth, Director, The Prince’s Accounting for Sustainability Project (A4S) -Moderator: Richard Howitt Member of the European Parliament, Rapporteur on Corporate Social Responsibility 11:55 – 12:15 Key note speech and wrap up: Alan Knight, Sustainability Director, BITC 12:15 – 12:45 Networking drinks 12:30 - 13:30 Exclusive G4 content session for GRI Organisational Stakeholders (OS) only Lunch provided for the OS session |
BRE are partnering with TEM by hosting the GRI-approved training programme 4 & 5th December 2013.
GRI certified training - 4 - 5 December 2013 - BRE Watford
Internationally certified sustainability reporting training course using the Global Reporting Initiative. Training provided by Total Eco Management Limited, a GRI Certified Training Partner for the UK and Republic of Ireland. This is the first G4 training in the world Approved by GRI.
This globally accredited sustainability training develops skills to be a sustainability leader. More than 12,500+ executives across the world have become certified since 2008. Join Directors, managers, and CSR professionals from multinationals; their supply chains, leading institutions, and SME’s – recent attendees include Lend Lease, Interserve, Rockwool, Kier, Value Retail, Hammerson, Barclays, Imperial Tobacco, Finlays, Swires, Chartered Institute of Building, Southampton University, Dura Automotives, Rexam, RandGold, Subsea7, Q8, Oxfam, Arm, Oberthur Technologies, Trucost, AWE, etc
Details :The course identifies what sustainable businesses look like; their culture, and what metrics are universally measured. The course is designed to support both new and experienced reporters to prepare and review their reporting process. This two-day intensive course offers practical examples, presentations, interactive discussion and actual evaluation of published sustainability reports to enable participants to apply the GRI’s reporting framework. Further, it puts sustainability in context offering an overview of international and local developments and best practise.
You will also hear about how the GRI formally harmonises with other international standards such as the UN Global Compact, Carbon Disclosure Project, OECD, IIRC etc. You will gain an overview of the latest reporting trends, and discuss case studies that enable you to see the excellence generated from continuous year-on-year improvement focused on ‘What is Material Matters’.
Your fast track to conducting and improving your own sustainability reporting. The course is structured to maximise your learning at each stage: Participants will learn how to:
Prepare for the GRI sustainability reporting process, understanding the key steps involved in GRI’s sustainability reporting process: prepare, connect, define, monitor and report.
Understand the trends, benefits and challenges in sustainability reporting.
Connect with your main internal and external stakeholders.
Define your report content based on stakeholder input, and assess what issues are material to your organisation. Participants will develop the skills to prioritise and streamline stakeholder engagement, and use the GRI materiality principle.
Monitor and collect the information needed for the reporting processes.
Report your performance and prepare for publication.
Apply the GRI ‘in accordance’ criteria and report assurance processes.
All delegates will receive electronic versions of the GRI Guidelines, and neatly packaged learning materials including the GRI publication "The GRI sustainability reporting cycle: A handbook for small and not-so-small organisations".
Day 1
Conceptual Introduction: An introduction to GRI, Global and UK Sustainability Context, the G3.1 Framework, the seamless transition to the G4 Framework and reporting process.
Part 1: Plan your GRI sustainability reporting process
Part 2: Dialogue with stakeholders
Day 2
Part 3: Focus your efforts
Part 4: Build your report
Part 5: Check and communicate
Conclusion: End of course major exercise.
Participants of will receive a globally recognised G4 certificates upon completion direct from GRI.
Intended audienceLeaders in Sustainability, Senior Executives, Managers and those with responsibility for corporate responsibility, corporate communications and investor relations.
As part Total Eco Management Limited's sustainability policy we calculate the carbon footprint for the travel of our attendees. Additionally, TEM is award winning for its sustainability training and reporting being the first GRI Certified Training Partner to report using the G3.1 and the only one to produce an Integrated Report. A prime example of 'walking the talk'.
For more information:
BRE Training
[email protected]
+44 (0) 1923 664462
Internationally certified sustainability reporting training course using the Global Reporting Initiative. Training provided by Total Eco Management Limited, a GRI Certified Training Partner for the UK and Republic of Ireland. This is the first G4 training in the world Approved by GRI.
This globally accredited sustainability training develops skills to be a sustainability leader. More than 12,500+ executives across the world have become certified since 2008. Join Directors, managers, and CSR professionals from multinationals; their supply chains, leading institutions, and SME’s – recent attendees include Lend Lease, Interserve, Rockwool, Kier, Value Retail, Hammerson, Barclays, Imperial Tobacco, Finlays, Swires, Chartered Institute of Building, Southampton University, Dura Automotives, Rexam, RandGold, Subsea7, Q8, Oxfam, Arm, Oberthur Technologies, Trucost, AWE, etc
Details :The course identifies what sustainable businesses look like; their culture, and what metrics are universally measured. The course is designed to support both new and experienced reporters to prepare and review their reporting process. This two-day intensive course offers practical examples, presentations, interactive discussion and actual evaluation of published sustainability reports to enable participants to apply the GRI’s reporting framework. Further, it puts sustainability in context offering an overview of international and local developments and best practise.
You will also hear about how the GRI formally harmonises with other international standards such as the UN Global Compact, Carbon Disclosure Project, OECD, IIRC etc. You will gain an overview of the latest reporting trends, and discuss case studies that enable you to see the excellence generated from continuous year-on-year improvement focused on ‘What is Material Matters’.
Your fast track to conducting and improving your own sustainability reporting. The course is structured to maximise your learning at each stage: Participants will learn how to:
Prepare for the GRI sustainability reporting process, understanding the key steps involved in GRI’s sustainability reporting process: prepare, connect, define, monitor and report.
Understand the trends, benefits and challenges in sustainability reporting.
Connect with your main internal and external stakeholders.
Define your report content based on stakeholder input, and assess what issues are material to your organisation. Participants will develop the skills to prioritise and streamline stakeholder engagement, and use the GRI materiality principle.
Monitor and collect the information needed for the reporting processes.
Report your performance and prepare for publication.
Apply the GRI ‘in accordance’ criteria and report assurance processes.
All delegates will receive electronic versions of the GRI Guidelines, and neatly packaged learning materials including the GRI publication "The GRI sustainability reporting cycle: A handbook for small and not-so-small organisations".
Day 1
Conceptual Introduction: An introduction to GRI, Global and UK Sustainability Context, the G3.1 Framework, the seamless transition to the G4 Framework and reporting process.
Part 1: Plan your GRI sustainability reporting process
Part 2: Dialogue with stakeholders
Day 2
Part 3: Focus your efforts
Part 4: Build your report
Part 5: Check and communicate
Conclusion: End of course major exercise.
Participants of will receive a globally recognised G4 certificates upon completion direct from GRI.
Intended audienceLeaders in Sustainability, Senior Executives, Managers and those with responsibility for corporate responsibility, corporate communications and investor relations.
As part Total Eco Management Limited's sustainability policy we calculate the carbon footprint for the travel of our attendees. Additionally, TEM is award winning for its sustainability training and reporting being the first GRI Certified Training Partner to report using the G3.1 and the only one to produce an Integrated Report. A prime example of 'walking the talk'.
For more information:
BRE Training
[email protected]
+44 (0) 1923 664462
Total eco Management Guest Speakers:
Kye Gbangbola presents at Black Comedy Awards 2013
The new Lord Mayor of the City of London, Fiona Woolf CBE, will welcome the International Integrated Reporting Framework at an event at Mansion House on 4 December. The event will include a video address from HRH The Prince of Wales, a keynote speech from Professor Mervyn E King SC, Chairman, IIRC, as well as Paul Druckman, CEO, IIRC in conversation with Colin Melvin CEO, Hermes EOS and Russell Picot, Group Chief Accounting Officer, HSBC.
"Bringing transparency to multi-tier supply chains"
Joint Sedex - GRI Event
When Wednesday December 4, 2013 from 1:30 PM to 6:30 PM GMT Add to Calendar Where Saddlers' Hall 40 Gutter Lane London EC2V 6BR United Kingdom Contact GRI Events Team GRI +31 20 5310000 [email protected] |
Join sustainable supply chains experts from across Europe to share latest thinking and discuss best practice around supply chain transparency. The GRI will outline supply chain issues in the new G4 reporting guidelines, and Sedex will present latest research to explore the case for a multi-tiered approach to responsible supply chain risk management. Panel discussions will focus on practical solutions to increase transparency and tackle sustainable risk in global supply chain risks.
Speakers: Tom Smith, Director of Insight and Planning, Sedex Enrique Torres, Senior Manager Training & Coaching Program, GRI Emily Pearce, Stakeholder Relations Executive, Sedex Dexter Galvin, Head of CDP Supply Chain, Carbon Disclosure Project Panelists: Jo Webb, Head of Stakeholder Relations, Sedex Enrique Torres, Senior Manager Training & Coaching Program, GRI Louise Nicholls, Head of Responsible Sourcing and Plan A, M&S Dexter Galvin, Head of CDP Supply Chain, Carbon Disclosure Project Steve Kenzie, Head of the UNGC Network Secretariat, UNGC-UK Tom Smith, Director of Insight and Planning, Sedex Sloane Hamilton, Ethical Trade Advisor, Oxfam Moderator: Gregory Elders, Senior ESG Analyst, Bloomberg |
Total eco Management Guest Speakers:
ERA Conference 2013: 13-14 November 2013
Kye Gbangbola will be headline speaker at the ERA Technology celebrates its 15th Electrical and Electronic Equipment and the Environment conference this year on 13-14 November. Since its inception, this event has been unique in covering the very latest in environmental product regulation affecting electrical products from materials, through design, use and end-of-life. To mark this milestone in the history of the event, ERA has refreshed its conference and exhibition opportunities and relocated to a new venue at the Hilton London Heathrow Airport, (Terminal 4).
Conference speakers are carefully chosen as experts in their fields, ensuring that those attending are fully up-to-date with the ever changing face of environmental legislation and compliance. The main event of its kind, it covers all the latest on substance issues (the RoHS2 Directive and REACH), ecodesign, end-of-life (the new WEEE2 Directive), responsible sourcing (conflict minerals) and sustainability. The conference offers the perfect opportunity to quickly get up to speed on these complex matters, receive answers to questions and meet leading representatives of both government and industry. Click here for an overview of the programme. Complemented by an exhibition and conference dinner, facilitating further discussion and debate, the whole event takes place within the comfortable surroundings of the Concorde Suite, a dedicated conference complex at the Hilton London Heathrow Airport.
A FORUM FOR INDUSTRY AND POLICY MAKERS - Read moreProgramme finalised: Book your place
Conference speakers are carefully chosen as experts in their fields, ensuring that those attending are fully up-to-date with the ever changing face of environmental legislation and compliance. The main event of its kind, it covers all the latest on substance issues (the RoHS2 Directive and REACH), ecodesign, end-of-life (the new WEEE2 Directive), responsible sourcing (conflict minerals) and sustainability. The conference offers the perfect opportunity to quickly get up to speed on these complex matters, receive answers to questions and meet leading representatives of both government and industry. Click here for an overview of the programme. Complemented by an exhibition and conference dinner, facilitating further discussion and debate, the whole event takes place within the comfortable surroundings of the Concorde Suite, a dedicated conference complex at the Hilton London Heathrow Airport.
A FORUM FOR INDUSTRY AND POLICY MAKERS - Read moreProgramme finalised: Book your place
Total Eco Management tweeting from the event using the #alljobsgreener hash-tag
SocEnv's Summer Reception at the House of Lords, June 13, 2013, was full to capacity.
Over 250 guests gathered to celebrate the award of 12 eminent Honorary Fellowships and the launch of an online directory of Chartered Environmentalists CEnvDirect.
Richard Branson and Jochen Zeitz launch The B Team
LONDON, June 13, 2013 - The B Team, a global non-profit founded by Sir Richard Branson and Jochen Zeitz, revealed its starting line-up of business leaders today. They will work together to deliver a new way of doing business that prioritises people and planet alongside profit - a "Plan B" for businesses the world over.
The leaders joining The B Team founders Sir Richard Branson and Jochen Zeitz are:
The B Team will address three initial Challenges: “The Future of Leadership”, “The Future Bottom Line” and “The Future of Incentives” to help focus business away from short term gain and to balance the long term benefits for our people and our planet.
The initial "B Leaders" have been selected by a global network of advisors. They have come together as a group of committed business leaders to use their collective voice to help engage other leaders and will act as a catalyst to help deliver "Plan B". They will work with partners to break down entrenched barriers and ensure there is a clear way forward.
The B Team will address three initial Challenges: "The Future of Leadership", "The Future Bottom Line" and "The Future of Incentives" to help focus business away from short term gain and to balance the long term benefits for our people and our planet.
In a live online broadcast to over 500 gatherings in more than 115 cities around the world, The B Team Leaders also issued a joint Declaration today (, acknowledging key global problems such as growing inequality, unemployment and the unsustainable use of natural resources. The group commits to accelerating a movement of leaders around the world driven by a better way of doing business.
"Today we want to start a global conversation on a "Plan B" for business," said co-founder Sir Richard Branson, "We are working with government agencies, the social sector, and business leaders to help get on top of some of the world's seemingly intractable challenges. We are keen to listen, learn and share with others to build businesses that do what's right for people and the planet."
"Business is integral to society, but it has also created most of the negative environmental challenges of this century," co-founder Jochen Zeitz said today, "The B Team will help to catalyse a shift away from the existing short-term, unsustainable mindset, towards the long-term interest of people, the planet and the wider economy. Tackling these three challenges is a starting point for a "Plan B" to form."
"The Future of Leadership" Challenge will seek to accelerate a new kind of inclusive leadership underpinned by a moral compass of being fair, honest, positive and creative ( This is founded on cooperation and will be aimed at generating long-term value for society, the economy and the environment.
"The evolution of business leadership away from a focus on short-term profits is essential for the future generation of leaders," said Arianna Huffington. "We need a "Plan B" for the way business is managed, starting with leadership more committed to well-being, wisdom and sustainable business success. The only way to enjoy a long-term healthy bottom line is with a workplace that supports the well-being of employees. We want to accelerate that shift by putting the spotlight on business leaders at the forefront of this movement and connecting them with each other."
The "Future Bottom Line" Challenge seeks to accelerate a move away from single-minded financial "short-termism", towards a focus on the long term, and will aim to expand corporate accountability beyond financial gains to include negative and positive contributions to the economy, environment and society.
In driving forward the "Future of Incentives" Challenge, The B Team will work with partners to develop new corporate and employee incentive structures and to identify and map both positive and harmful subsidies. This will help to shift market and business behavior towards incentives that maximize social, environmental and economic benefit.
"Positive market incentives operating in the public interest are too few and far between, and are also up against a seemingly never-ending expansion of perverse incentives and lobbying," said Mo Ibrahim, "There are models that can help change this and we will work to create new incentives in dialogue with businesses, the social sector and governments."
The B Team will be holding a series of community events over the coming months. Input from stakeholders participating in today's global digital gathering will contribute to The B Team's plans for these first three Challenges and the formation of a comprehensive "Plan B" for business. The B Team is also encouraging the general public to submit their views on a new charter for better business at
Find out more >>>
The leaders joining The B Team founders Sir Richard Branson and Jochen Zeitz are:
- Shari Arison, Owner, Arison Group
- Kathy Calvin, President and CEO, United Nations Foundation
- Arianna Huffington, Chair, President & Editor In Chief, The Huffington Post Media Group
- Mo Ibrahim, Founder, Celtel
- Guilherme Leal, Founder & Co-Chairman, Natura
- Strive Masiyiwa, Founder & Chairman, Econet Wireless
- Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Coordinating Minister for the Economy and Minister of Finance, Government of Nigeria
- François-Henri Pinault, CEO & Chairman, Kering
- Paul Polman, CEO, Unilever
- Ratan Tata, Chairman Emeritus, Tata Group
- Zhang Yue, Founder and Chairman, Broad Group
- Professor Muhammad Yunus, Chairman, Yunus Centre
- Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland, Deputy Chair, The Elders (Honorary Leader)
- Mary Robinson, Secretary, The Elders and President, Mary Robinson Foundation - Climate Justice (Honorary Leader)
The B Team will address three initial Challenges: “The Future of Leadership”, “The Future Bottom Line” and “The Future of Incentives” to help focus business away from short term gain and to balance the long term benefits for our people and our planet.
The initial "B Leaders" have been selected by a global network of advisors. They have come together as a group of committed business leaders to use their collective voice to help engage other leaders and will act as a catalyst to help deliver "Plan B". They will work with partners to break down entrenched barriers and ensure there is a clear way forward.
The B Team will address three initial Challenges: "The Future of Leadership", "The Future Bottom Line" and "The Future of Incentives" to help focus business away from short term gain and to balance the long term benefits for our people and our planet.
In a live online broadcast to over 500 gatherings in more than 115 cities around the world, The B Team Leaders also issued a joint Declaration today (, acknowledging key global problems such as growing inequality, unemployment and the unsustainable use of natural resources. The group commits to accelerating a movement of leaders around the world driven by a better way of doing business.
"Today we want to start a global conversation on a "Plan B" for business," said co-founder Sir Richard Branson, "We are working with government agencies, the social sector, and business leaders to help get on top of some of the world's seemingly intractable challenges. We are keen to listen, learn and share with others to build businesses that do what's right for people and the planet."
"Business is integral to society, but it has also created most of the negative environmental challenges of this century," co-founder Jochen Zeitz said today, "The B Team will help to catalyse a shift away from the existing short-term, unsustainable mindset, towards the long-term interest of people, the planet and the wider economy. Tackling these three challenges is a starting point for a "Plan B" to form."
"The Future of Leadership" Challenge will seek to accelerate a new kind of inclusive leadership underpinned by a moral compass of being fair, honest, positive and creative ( This is founded on cooperation and will be aimed at generating long-term value for society, the economy and the environment.
"The evolution of business leadership away from a focus on short-term profits is essential for the future generation of leaders," said Arianna Huffington. "We need a "Plan B" for the way business is managed, starting with leadership more committed to well-being, wisdom and sustainable business success. The only way to enjoy a long-term healthy bottom line is with a workplace that supports the well-being of employees. We want to accelerate that shift by putting the spotlight on business leaders at the forefront of this movement and connecting them with each other."
The "Future Bottom Line" Challenge seeks to accelerate a move away from single-minded financial "short-termism", towards a focus on the long term, and will aim to expand corporate accountability beyond financial gains to include negative and positive contributions to the economy, environment and society.
In driving forward the "Future of Incentives" Challenge, The B Team will work with partners to develop new corporate and employee incentive structures and to identify and map both positive and harmful subsidies. This will help to shift market and business behavior towards incentives that maximize social, environmental and economic benefit.
"Positive market incentives operating in the public interest are too few and far between, and are also up against a seemingly never-ending expansion of perverse incentives and lobbying," said Mo Ibrahim, "There are models that can help change this and we will work to create new incentives in dialogue with businesses, the social sector and governments."
The B Team will be holding a series of community events over the coming months. Input from stakeholders participating in today's global digital gathering will contribute to The B Team's plans for these first three Challenges and the formation of a comprehensive "Plan B" for business. The B Team is also encouraging the general public to submit their views on a new charter for better business at
Find out more >>>
UK Launch of the IIRC Consultation Draft at Bloomberg
International Integrated Reporting Council
Tuesday, 16 April 2013 from 16:30 to 19:00 (BST)London, United Kingdom |
Bloomberg L.P
39-45 Finsbury Square EC2A 1HD London United Kingdom |
A Special APPCCG Film Screening of 'Chasing Ice' (Presented by The Co-operative Group)
A special APPCCG screening of Chasing Ice, held in conjunction with The Co-operative Group. Acclaimed photographer James Balog was once a sceptic about climate change, but through his Extreme Ice Survey, he discovers undeniable evidence of our changing planet. Balog deploys revolutionary time-lapse cameras to capture a multi-year record of the world’s changing glaciers. His hauntingly beautiful videos compress years into seconds and capture ancient mountains of ice in motion as they disappear at a breath-taking rate.
Several countries border the Arctic region and melting ice has led to previously unallocated territory becoming a battleground to access oil, minerals and trade routes. Meanwhile, legislation is hazy or non-existent on port fees, oil-spills and access to minerals now available due to the melt. The film will be followed by a panel discussion focusing on what is happening to the Arctic; the regulated (or unregulated) activities that will happen as a result; the overall impact this could have on further emissions; and the legislation required for a controlled and sustainable ‘exploitation’ of the Arctic.
A special APPCCG screening of Chasing Ice, held in conjunction with The Co-operative Group. Acclaimed photographer James Balog was once a sceptic about climate change, but through his Extreme Ice Survey, he discovers undeniable evidence of our changing planet. Balog deploys revolutionary time-lapse cameras to capture a multi-year record of the world’s changing glaciers. His hauntingly beautiful videos compress years into seconds and capture ancient mountains of ice in motion as they disappear at a breath-taking rate.
Several countries border the Arctic region and melting ice has led to previously unallocated territory becoming a battleground to access oil, minerals and trade routes. Meanwhile, legislation is hazy or non-existent on port fees, oil-spills and access to minerals now available due to the melt. The film will be followed by a panel discussion focusing on what is happening to the Arctic; the regulated (or unregulated) activities that will happen as a result; the overall impact this could have on further emissions; and the legislation required for a controlled and sustainable ‘exploitation’ of the Arctic.
Tuesday, 5th March 2013;
10 am - 1 pm Attlee Suite, Portcullis House, London SW1A 2LW Chair: Joan Walley MP (Chair, Environmental Audit Committee) Panel: Prof. Julia Slingo OBE, Chief Scientist, Met office Jane Rumble, Head of the Polar Regions Unit, Foreign and Commonwealth Office Chris Barton, Head of International & Domestic Energy Security, DECC Chris Shearlock, Sustainable Development Manager at The Co-operative Group Colin R. Manson, Colin R. Manson, Director, Manson Oceanographic Consultancy |
Climate Week 2013 4-10 March 2013: A week to show how we can combat climate change.
Climate Week is Britain’s biggest climate change campaign, inspiring a new wave of action to create a sustainable future.
Culminating in a week of activities, it showcases practical solutions from every sector of society.
The first Climate Week in March 2011 saw half a million people attending 3,000 events in Britain’s biggest ever environmental occasion. Events were run by schools, businesses, charities, councils and many others.
You can find out more about Climate Week from their website: They recommend a range of resources for teachers and they also encourage schools to register in advance for the Climate Week challenge.
The Climate Week Challenge is fun, free and easy to organise for your school to take part in Climate Week.
Culminating in a week of activities, it showcases practical solutions from every sector of society.
The first Climate Week in March 2011 saw half a million people attending 3,000 events in Britain’s biggest ever environmental occasion. Events were run by schools, businesses, charities, councils and many others.
You can find out more about Climate Week from their website: They recommend a range of resources for teachers and they also encourage schools to register in advance for the Climate Week challenge.
The Climate Week Challenge is fun, free and easy to organise for your school to take part in Climate Week.
- It can be held on any day during Climate Week. The Challenge will be revealed to teachers a week beforehand.
- Teams of students are challenged to come up with creative solutions to climate change with entries judged by a celebrity judging panel.
- It is Britain's biggest ever environmental competition; over 130,000 young people take part.
- Winning ideas have included the Water Pebble –a gadget designed to save water by timing how long we spend in the shower– and the Eco-Fridge – a fridge powered by the energy from sound waves.
Tuesday 18 September and Wednesday 19 September 2012
Amstelveeen, the Netherlands
TeM is invited to attend the conference by invitation as representatives from the PP reporting organizations, the <IR> Investor Network and the IIRC. We will also be joined by some interesting keynote speakers. The conference and the workshops in particular will facilitate knowledge sharing among PP reporting organizations, the <IR> Investor Network and the IIRC. read more ...>>
Amstelveeen, the Netherlands
TeM is invited to attend the conference by invitation as representatives from the PP reporting organizations, the <IR> Investor Network and the IIRC. We will also be joined by some interesting keynote speakers. The conference and the workshops in particular will facilitate knowledge sharing among PP reporting organizations, the <IR> Investor Network and the IIRC. read more ...>>
Global Conference on Sustainability and Reporting Amsterdam | 22-24 May 2013
Join the sustainability leadership event of 2013!
Join over 1500 leaders from business, finance, accountancy, consultancy, civil society, government, labor and academia in discussing the key challenges and opportunities on the path to a more sustainable future. read more ...>>
Join over 1500 leaders from business, finance, accountancy, consultancy, civil society, government, labor and academia in discussing the key challenges and opportunities on the path to a more sustainable future. read more ...>>
GRI: Sustainability reporting for
a Green Economy
Report or Explain: GRI and sustainability reporting at Rio+20 15-21 June 2012
GRI is holding and appearing at many events at Rio+20.
GRI is part of the Green Economy Coalition and the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Coalition led by Aviva Investors. Both coalitions support a report or explain approach to sustainability reporting policy. read more ...>>
GRI is part of the Green Economy Coalition and the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Coalition led by Aviva Investors. Both coalitions support a report or explain approach to sustainability reporting policy. read more ...>>
Total eco Management in attendance
Total eco Management Guest Speakers:
International Conference on
Climate Change
Date: May 7-11, 2012
Daily Topics
MONDAY 7 MAY - The Science and Psychology of Climate Change Evening Reception and concert: Maria Jones, International Mezza-Soprano TUESDAY 8 MAY - Renewables and nuclear energy WEDNESDAY 9 MAY - Energy Conservation and Housing THURSDAY 10 MAY - Green Business Opportunities FRIDAY 11 MAY - Politics and the Media Evening Reception and Concert: Taplow Girls’ Choir, Conductor – Gillian Dibden Speakers: Dr Robin Russell-Jones - International Conference Organiser for Help Rescue the Planet Kye Gbangbola - Director - Total Eco Management Ltd Marc Bolland - CEO Marks & Spencer Dr David Pencheon - Director - NHS Sustainable Development Unit (SDU) Cambridge Professor Jim Skea OBE - Research Director UKERC Walt Patterson - Chatham House Jonathon Scheele - Head EU Commission UK Dr Doug Parr- Chief Scientist Greenpeace Chris Rapley - Professor of Climate Science UCL James Walker - Head of Innovation ECO, Kingfisher plc and many more........ |
Total eco Management Guest Speakers:
“ Let's Do It Creatively ... and Environmentally with Renewable Energy”
Wednesday, 15 February – Sunday, 19 February 2012
Renewable Energy – Opportunities and Threats Guest Lectures by: Kye Gbangbola & Nicole Lawler of Total eco Management |
Date: Wednesday 25th April 2012
Time: 6:00PM Meeting point: The Executive Business Centre, Bournemouth University, Bournemouth BH8 8EB Speaker: Kye Gbangbola MBA FCIOB MCIH CEnv Dip DEA ACIArb MCIAT MIEMA |
Why should I attend?
Each of the Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB) regional centres holds an AGM to review activities and progress made over the past year. Members also elect branch committee members for the coming year.
What will I achieve?
The AGMs provide an opportunity for members to have a say in the running of their regional branch. It is a chance to ask the committee any questions regarding the decisions and direction the CIOB will take in the future.
What can I expect?
AGMs are led by the relevant branch chairman, who reports back to members on matters such as funding, regional developments, the events and CPD programmes, staffing and membership. The AGMs take an informal approach and are often followed by a talk or presentation, a question and answer session, and a chance to network with friends and colleagues.
Who should attend?
AGMs are open to all members and non-members who wish to become involved and influence the direction of their regional office.
Each of the Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB) regional centres holds an AGM to review activities and progress made over the past year. Members also elect branch committee members for the coming year.
What will I achieve?
The AGMs provide an opportunity for members to have a say in the running of their regional branch. It is a chance to ask the committee any questions regarding the decisions and direction the CIOB will take in the future.
What can I expect?
AGMs are led by the relevant branch chairman, who reports back to members on matters such as funding, regional developments, the events and CPD programmes, staffing and membership. The AGMs take an informal approach and are often followed by a talk or presentation, a question and answer session, and a chance to network with friends and colleagues.
Who should attend?
AGMs are open to all members and non-members who wish to become involved and influence the direction of their regional office.
Date: Wednesday 28th March 2012
Time: 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM Location: The County Hotel; Neville Street, Newcastle NE1 5DF |
Total eco Management Guest Speakers:
Kye Gbangbola, Total Eco Management Michelle Campbell-Robson Paul Burns, Gentoo Louise Hunter, Northumbrian Water |
E-mail: [email protected]
Live Webinar: Learn How to Identify What You Should Be Measuring and Reporting On For Your Sustainability Initiatives
Vanessa Delgado
Managing Sustainability
Community Manager
Date: Tuesday, 21st February 2012
Time: 3pm GMT / 10am EST
Kye Gbangbola, Founder Total Eco Management
Charles Hansard, Director, Business Development (Europe) ADEC Group
This webinar will appeal to Sustainability Managers & Directors, CSO's, Energy Managers and anyone who's job involves reporting and measuring sustainability data.
Time: 3pm GMT / 10am EST
Kye Gbangbola, Founder Total Eco Management
Charles Hansard, Director, Business Development (Europe) ADEC Group
This webinar will appeal to Sustainability Managers & Directors, CSO's, Energy Managers and anyone who's job involves reporting and measuring sustainability data.
Join this webinar to:
With sustainability reporting becoming the norm for large organisations, sustainability directors must know what data to report and how to reliably measure it. In this webinar we will explore the Global Reporting Initiative, and how to collect good quality data.
.Total eco Management Guest Speakers:
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
11th & 12th October 2011
TeM speaks at the 2011 International Construction Conference:
Challenges of Global Mega Projects - Sustainability and Green Technology for Project Excellence Participants will be able to gather information on the prevailing construction related educational courses and construction continuing professional development training programmes by some local universities and colleges. Books and publications will be on display and available for puchase at special rates to conference participants.
Challenges of Global Mega Projects - Sustainability and Green Technology for Project Excellence Participants will be able to gather information on the prevailing construction related educational courses and construction continuing professional development training programmes by some local universities and colleges. Books and publications will be on display and available for puchase at special rates to conference participants.
Total eco Management Guest Speakers:
TeM speaks at Parliamentary launch of CIOB CIOB Carbon Action 2050 is a much needed online resource providing practical carbon reduction solutions for educators and professionals working in the built environment. Carbon Action 2050 responds to the BIS LCC (IGT) Report providing 'Actions' and common, comparable metrics around which the industry can take forward its responsibilities for Change. The Parliamentary Launch was very well received by industry and Government as a way forward with the capacity to evolve and integrate a sector to deliver on the Climate Change Act 2008 and its respective Carbon budgets and requirements. I remain proud to be part of a sector rising to the challenge of broadening the metrics of success beyond profit to increase shareholder and stakeholder value, for the creation of a low carbon economy meeting the needs of generations to come. We invite all in the sector; nationally and internationally to participate and use According to Tony Baldy MP, former Parliamentary under Secretary of State in the Department of the Environment: "I would encourage people to register and to start implementing the CIOB’s Carbon Action plan and as Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Excellence in the Built Environment will circulate details to all Members of group so they too are aware of this very useful online facility." full source here >> |
Kye Gbangbola speaks at Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) event: Matrics London Sustainability
Event Details
Kye Gbangbola will look at how and why organisations unlock hidden value, increase income and reduce expenditure. Come and develop the confidence to report and become an individual that leads by example.
How to book You can either book online with a credit /debit card or contact our events team on:
+44 (0)207 695 1600 or [email protected]
Kye Gbangbola will look at how and why organisations unlock hidden value, increase income and reduce expenditure. Come and develop the confidence to report and become an individual that leads by example.
How to book You can either book online with a credit /debit card or contact our events team on:
+44 (0)207 695 1600 or [email protected]
Learn about:-
TeM speaks at the joint IEMA and CIOB event: SUSTAINABILITY - CORE ISSUES
Event Details
Of all the issues currently affecting the construction industry, sustainability is one of the most significant. This half- day programme will highlight some of the most important aspects of sustainability, including:- Building Materials and the Environment, The Green Deal, Sustainability Reporting, and Responsible Sourcing.
How to book You can either pre-register to attend by contacting [email protected]. or [email protected]
Of all the issues currently affecting the construction industry, sustainability is one of the most significant. This half- day programme will highlight some of the most important aspects of sustainability, including:- Building Materials and the Environment, The Green Deal, Sustainability Reporting, and Responsible Sourcing.
How to book You can either pre-register to attend by contacting [email protected]. or [email protected]
Speakers will be-;
Kye Gbangbola, Director, Total eco Management Ltd - 'Sustainability Reporting' Chris Halligan, Director, Stephen George and Partners - 'Building Materials and the environment' Ian Nicholson, Managing Director, Responsible Solutions - 'Responsible Sourcing'. Nigel Banks, Head of Energy and Sustainable Solutions, Keepmoat - 'The Green Deal' |
Over 3,700 registered for what is claimed to be the industry’s biggest virtual conference for sustainable professionals.
Audio Webinar - Reducing the Risk and Maximising the value of Retrofit ROI
Abstract • Improving the sustainability and the value of property investments • Identifying the key purchaser incentives to retrofit • How are private developers taking refurbishment and retrofitting forward? • Identifying which retrofit products need planning permission and avoiding delays • Clarifying the benefits of retrofit through regulation and promoting awareness of key • legislative drivers and financial incentive |
Fourth Carbon Budget
A limit on the total amount of greenhouse gases to be emitted by the UK between 2023 to 2027 has been proposed to cut Britain’s emissions by 50% from 1990 levels and highlighting the Government’s commitment to being the greenest government ever.
Statement: Fourth Carbon Budget (Tuesday 17 May )
Mr Chris Huhne, Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change
Statement: Fourth Carbon Budget (Tuesday 17 May )
Mr Chris Huhne, Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change
G4 Developments
The G4 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines are the fourth generation of Guidelines from GRI. The project is part of GRI’s commitment to continuous development of its Guidelines.
G4 is planned to be published in 2013. It will be developed using GRI’s multi-stakeholder international consultation process. Public consultation periods, diverse expert Working Groups and GRI’s approval procedures will ensure that G4’s guidance is consensus-based and reflects the broadest possible stakeholder input.......... read more
G4 is planned to be published in 2013. It will be developed using GRI’s multi-stakeholder international consultation process. Public consultation periods, diverse expert Working Groups and GRI’s approval procedures will ensure that G4’s guidance is consensus-based and reflects the broadest possible stakeholder input.......... read more
Management: Measuring up to the carbon challenge.Demonstrating your sustainable credentials is easier said than done, given the number of different standards out there. But there is an alternative, says Kye Gbangbola.
Published Construction Manager 8th Apr 2011 |
Sustainability reporting: most complete guidance ever
The most comprehensive and complete sustainability reporting guidance is now available, as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) launches its G3.1 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines (23 March 2011).
How sustainable is construction and real estate?
Your final chance to shape a sustainable future for the sector From design to demolition, buildings impact the economy, the environment and on society. The built environment is responsible for more than 40 percent of global energy use and one third of global greenhouse gas emissions – and up to 80 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in our cities and towns. Read more
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