While the big player's forge ahead with the sustainability agenda, the problem for smaller firms and suppliers is where to begin. It was this thought that Alan Crane FCIOB, current president, set up a group to lead the CIOB's own initiative: Carbon Action 2050 www.carbonaction2050.com and declared their Carbon Action Plan.
A total of 14,000 people from more than 100 countries visited the site between its launch in July 2011 and December 2011 and the site has been reference in the UK Government's action plan for low carbon construction.
Of the highest importance in the CIOB's Carbon Action Plan was to 'ACHIEVE GLOBAL REPORTING INITIATIVE (GRI) ACCREDITATION: The CIOB should lead by example on sustainability reporting and establish a culture of best practice, behaviour, and transparency that permeates from the organisation through its membership'.
Looking to demonstrate sustainable leadership, CIOB achieved this and became the first professional body to report to the GRI, a framework used to measure and benchmark environmental, social, economic and governance performance.
from → Nicole Lawler