As Marjolein Baghuis of GRI put it: "GRI is committed to continuously improving its Guidelines to enable organisations of all sizes and sectors to produce better reports. The response to the G4 Exposure Draft was high in quality and quantity, and after the launch, GRI will actively seek feedback on G4 through a structured survey from its first users. This will monitor the implementation of G4 with a view to providing additional or improved guidance as needed".
The final shape of G4 has yet to be revealed, what is clear is the need to be progressive. Understanding sustainability context informs us there is a gap between the world as it is now, and the world as it needs to be. The development of G4 reflects some excellent practices and processes that already help drive some of our better businesses. The GRI Frameworks has always been an opportunity to make the ceiling of today the floor of tomorrow through consensus.
In addition GRI recognise the 'How to do' and 'what to do' issues in response to which there is a raft of support including benchmarking databases, Certified Training Partners; that show organisations large and small how to coordinate the whole reporting process, and 'linkage documents'; which provide guidance for using GRI reporting in combination with other standards such as OECD, CDP, UNGCP, ISO 26000, optimising GRI relative to other ranking and rating organisations. These are just a few of the ways that all types of organisations can be supported in making the transition.
GRI is a collaboration and a public for good seeking a sustainable global economy. The world knows its time to act, and act fast, so we should all strive to race for the top and be glad of the availability of a common and consistent framework where we are free to choose those elements that are material to our organisations.
For many there is a fear of change and we would need an age just to study that, yet we do not have an age, in any case people and habitats are dying now. The pleasing aspect of the discussions is the level of interest, but really, the pace setters are already doing what we all already know is the right thing not only to do, but to aspire to achieve.
Never Give up on Transforming The Future. Climatic records are being broken daily, challenging times need challenging responses.
from → Total Eco Management Ltd.